These 3 things have the BIGGEST return on investment
When I first started my concierge business, I had no clue where to spend the little start-up cash I had. I started with 2K upfront. That went very quickly. Website (which my hubby and I spent 3 months building ourselves, business insurance, business cards, rack cards, URL, … NONE of those brought me my first […]
What to do when you don’t have enough clients…
Have you felt like there’s so much information coming at you all at once? Should I do this? Should I do that? Do I need fancy branding? Do I need a “scheduler”? Do I need a “funnel”? All the fancy things you see out there in the entrepreneurial world.Yes.Each of those things DOES have a reason […]
4 Business Strategies to Close Out the Year
It’s that time of year where we’re still hustling to finish the year strong and also secretly have our eyes on all the “newness” that will come with the new year! But we still have several weeks left of the year where you can finish strong!! So do NOT give up! Don’t settle in and coast […]
How to Make Difficult Decisions (VIDEO)
Why I said no and gave up … This week I want to share a story with you that was the beginning of a NEW way of thinking and a new decision-making process I started using about four years ago. But first, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever had to make […]