How My Students Are Blowing My Mind

fist bump, shopping help for seniors, elder care, house sitter, concierge services, think like a ceo

Confession time … I have a realllly bad habit and I want to come clean. I have this habit of whenever I do something – I think  “that wasn’t enough” or “I didn’t do enough” … It started when I was a kid. My mom pushed me to be the BEST in school – to make NO mistakes and to ALWAYS […]

5 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Sales Call

The Concierge Academy

I’ll never forget that first sales call!   ​​That time my phone rang back in 2011!! I had started my concierge business in late 2010. I was doing what I could to get my name out there. I was praying and waiting for that moment the phone would ring and I would get to have […]