Holy guacamole! How did this happen…

Yesterday we all felt the “absence” of our “connection” to each other when Facebook, Instagram, and What’s App all went down at the same time. For some marketers out there – they were in FULL ON “Oh shit” moments. How would they connect with clients? How would they “sell” their services? How would they connect […]
More Results Less Hustle

Hustling comes from a “lack” of awareness.It starts in your “thoughts.”We “think” changing all of our actions is HOW we reach our goals.Part of that is true.You need to know “what works and what doesn’t.”But what you also need is better-thinking thoughts. Taking more and more action with the same crappy thoughts of “nothing’s working” or […]
5 Ways to Balance Work and Life When You Work From Home!

This week I want to talk about one of the BIGGEST challenges of working for yourself: work life balance. Quite honestly, I didn’t know this challenge even existed until I left behind my “corporate” day job working as a registered nurse. When you work for others, you are motivated each day to get your […]