How to Scale My Personal Concierge Business
How to scale my personal concierge business? Grow from 50k to 100k… It’s a goal a lot of you have… Most people get to around 30K a year in their business and want to “double” within 1 year. They think the way to double is to: Work extra hours (sometimes 12 hrs. a day) Work “weekend” […]
After Colby Graduates, What Comes Next?
2022 is the year my son Colby should be graduating from college. He however shifted mid-year in his sophomore year. Traditional “college” wasn’t quite right for him, so he decided to come home and started working full time while he figures things out… How in the world does this translate into a “business lesson”? Stay […]
Holy guacamole! How did this happen…
Yesterday we all felt the “absence” of our “connection” to each other when Facebook, Instagram, and What’s App all went down at the same time. For some marketers out there – they were in FULL ON “Oh shit” moments. How would they connect with clients? How would they “sell” their services? How would they connect […]
Your 2021/2022 Business Plan Revealed
A lot of people love the “idea” of starting their own business. To be honest – it’s the best thing I ever did for myself, my family, my pocketbook, and my sanity! But with building a business – we need to THINK like a “business owner.” Part of thinking like a business owner is understanding […]