Top 3 Benefits of Mastermind Groups

Mastermind word cloud/Business/Coaching/Starting your Concierge Business/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/

Have you ever felt alone as an entrepreneur? You wake up every day and put in so much effort to grow your business, but you feel somehow disconnected? You feel alone and feel as if you’re unsure of what to do and where to go?? Being in the entrepreneurial world of building a business can often […]

Why I Leave My Family to Grow My Business

mastermind groups/Starting your Concierge Business/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/

In 2 weeks I’ll be hopping on an Amtrak train and headed off to CT for my quarterly mastermind meeting and leaving my family behind! It’s not easy leaving your hubby, kids, and business behind, but it’s something I KNOW I need! And quite frankly – I reallllly enjoy it! Every quarter I travel to meet my […]