8 Ways to Get Back to Business After COVID

For many of us who experienced local and state wide “shutdowns” due to Covid, we’ve shifted our marketing, our services and our leadership in the community…


Many local based businesses took a huge hit during the state and government mandated shutdowns…

Some local businesses were able to shift and modify their offerings, like we did.

And if YOU were with me during our 4 week training back in April – I KNOW that you also shifted all of your marketing to prepare for the “re-opening” by nurturing relationships and starting new partnerships…

But MANY were caught off guard, and did NOT focus on the future re-opening. Those sadly will be the businesses that have a much longer recovery and rebound period

But as we begin to see “OPEN” signs again, I wanted to help you prepare and plan (if you haven’t already) for your own “re-opening” strategy.

Whether you’re re-opening NOW or not for another few months… be sure you print this one out so that you have your game plan for re-opening your local business post-Covid lockdown.

8 Ways to Get Back to Business POST-COVID Lockdown…

1.   Be AWARE and follow along: What’s your state’s regulations??

State governments are the ones that have been determining when and what types of businesses can reopen to the public.

In PA for example, even some of our COUNTIES were allowed to open weeks before some other “infectiously impacted” counties were.  In all honesty, PA is STILL fighting to have some of our business structures opened

We’ve been in a slow red/yellow/green re-opening process.

But luckily, we were still able to provide virtual help to our clients and “food shopping” requests were considered “essential”.


The US Chamber of Commerce has a state-by-state guide to reopening that explains what’s required in each state. It’s updated regularly, so you can stay on track with changes in your state.

2.    Plan your “re-open” date.

Whatever the state regulations are, when do YOU plan on re-opening? Look at your calendar. Pick the date based on your state’s guidelines. Will you plan to reopen fully? Or will you “stagger” out your re-opening? Whatever everyone else is doing is irrelevant – you always have to do what is BEST for you XO



3.    Get your TEAM onboard!

Whatever your re-opening strategy is – don’t let your team be the “last to know”. As a leader in your business, it’s your responsibility to let them know in advance what your plans are. Whether you open fully or stagger, (like we talked about above) – talk to your TEAM, get their input and buy in as well. You MAY find yourself with team members who aren’t “ready” to come back. Perhaps they’re caring for aging parents or have health concerns that make them more susceptible and because of that, they don’t WANT to come back. Be prepared to have these open conversations.


4.    Provide your TEAM with equipment.

Does your team need specific PPE (personal protective equipment) supplies? Do they need masks, gloves and extra cleaning and sanitizing products? Whatever they need, get it for them in advance so that they feel cared for and supported by you. This is also the time to discuss NEW “physical distancing” policies you may have in place.

5.    Prepare you CLIENTS for your return!!

? ?

I know!! This one sounds like a no brainer – but I assure you that there are some peeps out there that have “opening” day pop up on them – and they have NOT incorporated their clients into their “re-opening” strategy. AS you prepare, email your clients with your “re-opening” date. If you’ve been “open” but working in a limited capacity of any kind– let them know the full details of HOW you’re re-opening– whether it’s expanded hours, schedules or services.


Also – pick up the old telephone! Leave a voicemail for each of your clients just letting them know “I just sent you an email with some GREAT news…”

If you have instituted new physical distancing or cleaning policies as part of your service delivery – be sure you let your clients know that also, this way they are fully prepared and also have the opportunity to ask you questions.


6.    Let allllll the people know!

Once you’ve let your team know – then your clients – let EVERYONE know your plans, process and any other CHANGES you may have in effect.

Don’t forget this is an ahhhhhmazing time to touch base with clients who may have used your services way back when … any excuse to reach out and touch base is a GOOD one!


7.    Be “social” and spread the word

Be sure you plan out and implement a “re-open” strategy on your TOP 2 social media platforms. The same information you’ve shared with your clients use on your social media platforms. If you have an email newsletter, also known as your “list” – let them know, too!

8.    Bonus Points!!

If you have clients you plan on seeing in the next couple weeks during your re-opening phase, bring a little card, a note, small gift, even a single cupcake just as a “celebration” and excitement for being back to business. What a wonderful way to engage your clients into such a GREAT celebration!!!

Ok my friend!!!

How are you planning for your GRAND RE-open?? Whether you have hardly slowed down, or your doors have been on lockdown since March – I’m sure there’s something here to help you get back to business after COVID …




Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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