Dos and don’ts of follow up

woman scheduling follow up calls in date book
What’s new and good in your world? In your business? Or your Life? 

New and Good in my world: Next week I’ll be working with a new set of students in our new Fully Booked Marketing course… 

Together I’ll be helping them get their “Core Marketing” up and running so that over time, THAT marketing will create new clients and opportunities ON DEMAND! 

One of the things we cover is how to properly and successfully “follow up” – You know, that thing you’re supposed to do AFTER you meet new people at a networking event or even in line at the grocery store ? 

Most people get THAT process wrong. ACTUALLY MOST people don’t even HAVE a process or the one they have runs out after 2 emails – THAT my friend ain’t gonna cut it BOO XO 

So today I want to help YOU with a few of the Do’s and Don’ts of “following up” 

The Do’s

  1. Follow up via email to business cards you collected and remember to personalize your messages always. This is about “connecting” not spamming. 
  2. If you have GREAT synergy with someone, send them an invitation to connect on your fave social media site. Depending on your social media plan – you may want to connect on FB or LinkedIn.

  3. Always be sure to follow up in a timely fashion, usually within a few days to a week of the event. It will help keep you top of mind for potential clients or business partnerships.

  4. If this person was a REAALLLY great connection – take the time to continue to nurture a long-term friendship, business relationship.
  5. Always keep your first email follow up brief. Having to read through long paragraphs of text can QUICKLY turn off a potential client or business partner.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t send a follow-up email to EVERONE you met, only choose to connect with those you had a meaningful conversation with. All those “small chat” convos only get in the WAY of building a few KEY relationships! ( **Don’t overdo it ) 

  2. Don’t buy a list of event attendees and email them all. This would be a violation of the CAN-SPAM act. Also, it’s not the best way to start a professional relationship.

  3. Don’t GET a list of association groups and email them all. This would ALSO be considered a violation of the CAN-SPAM act. And it completely rubs people the wrong way!

  4. Don’t wait too long to follow up with a contact. Time flies after events and it’s easy to forget all of the people that you might have met and wanted to connect with.

  5. Don’t go on and on and on and on about WHAT you DO and how YOUR THING/ product or service is the “best” and how they should immediately hire you! That’s kinda like trying to get to 3rd base on the 1st date – It’s just PLAIN GROSS!! 

  6. Don’t forget that the KEY here is LONG TERM connections. Simply put – How have you made “friends” in the past – it’s JUST LIKE that!! 

  7. Don’t be someone you are NOT! One of the greatest things I have learned in business – is to just be ME. When you put up a facade – it literally BLOCKS people from getting to know you … Be YOU – all of  you ? 

Wherever you are in your business,
 whether you’re working towards opening your doors, or getting your first client, Like one of my students, Lynn last week!! She got her VERY FIRST CLIENT!!!! Eeek – we all celebrated her!! 

But anyway – wherever you are in your phase of business building – Connecting with PEOPLE and following up the right way for the long game – will ALWAYS be part of our marketing plan XO 


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that WORK for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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