Grow Your Business with More Marketing

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If you’ve been listening to me preach for some time, then you realize that I believe marketing is the work that is REQUIRED of you to get more clients, grow your business and have a bigger impact in the world. Successful entrepreneurs are those that know that marketing is your #1 job to getting more clients.


But without creating time to market, people often fill their days with unimportant tasks and activities that get in the way of their big goals!


One of the greatest things you can do for yourself while building your business is Clear the Decks!


This is a concept I first learned from my mentor Fabienne Fredrickson! It seemed like a no-brainer, but I quickly realized that many people are NOT effective at creating the time necessary in their daily schedule to make marketing a priority.


Whether you’re starting a new business or ramping up the one you currently have, the idea is to eliminate time wasters during the day and learn how to say NO to disruptions.


Building a business is NO easy feat! So it’s imperative that you are purposefully creating a structure in your life and business to focus on client attraction and business development.


This week, take the time to look at your schedule and see where you can make improvements. Schedule in the necessities and put a pause on all non-essential tasks that are robbing you of valuable time.


Here are 5 ways you can create time for marketing and business growth:

  1. Block out time on your calendar daily for all marketing efforts
  2. Make networking a priority several times a month and be sure to schedule these events in advance (especially while you’re in the “building” phase of your business)
  3. Schedule in necessary “follow up“ time for after networking
  4. Create monthly business development days to focus solely on business growth
  5. Schedule quarterly business reviews to make sure you’re staying on target to reach your monthly/yearly goals


In order to create this type of consistent structure in your life and business, you’ll have to be very diligent as to how you spend your time and what activities you say yes or no to.


When I first started my business, I would take 2 hours in the middle of the day to exercise and shower! Now, exercise and showers are truly necessary… But doing so before my “work day” was an easy way I could recapture 2 hours every day to focus on my marketing efforts and grow my business faster.


What activities can you say no to? At least while you’re ramping up your business? Are you volunteering several times a week at other functions or in the kids’ classroom? Do you take a break in the middle of the day for TV? Do you squander time on social media (totally have been guilty of this too)!


In addition to cutting back on volunteer efforts, put a pause on family tasks and other non-money generating activities. Instead of running out to the grocery store in the middle of the day or waiting in line at the post office, find other resources or outsource these tasks to someone else! (I know – how could I even mention outsourcing – LOL!)


Your assignment this week


How will you be more focused and diligent with your marketing efforts? I would love to read your comments below! Tell me how you plan on “clearing the deck”?


And while we’re talking about “marketing”, I know for many concierges, knowing WHAT marketing to focus on is problem #1!! So in my attempt to help you through THAT – is my invitation for you to join us this year at CALive2018!!


At CALive – I will be sharing with you the EXACT marketing plan I have created that took my business from struggling to a THRIVING business and team in 5 years!! But it didn’t just “happen”. I HAD TO DO the work!! And that’s why I wanted to remind you today about Clearing the Decks and Making “Bleep” happen!


So, to you my friend, here’s your opportunity to register!! We’re already 2/3 sold out!! I am sooo excited to welcome this group of AMAZING concierges from around the globe – who are ready to step up – commit and invest in the growth of their businesses!


Are you joining us?? All you have to do is click here – read the deets and register! Once you register, we will automatically share with you travel arrangements and hotel info!! We were lucky enough to get 2 local room blocks for only $99 a night!! (But those blocks go away VERY soon – so don’t wait – ok?)


And of course – if you have any questions – PLEASE reach out to my team at they will take good care of you and help however you need it!


PS – Because we don’t want you to miss it, here it is again….The link to join us at CA LIVE 2018 on April 4th and 5th.


CA Live Logo/



Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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