Where to spend your marketing budget to get more clients

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Where to spend your marketing budget to get more clients

When I first started my business, I read a few books that were out there on how to start a concierge business. Most of these books claimed that you could get up and running with “little to no startup costs.”

You know – $500 bucks and a smile, a cellphone, and a car!

Cool, I thought!!

Then I learned if you want to protect yourself, your clients, and your assets, you need insurance!

Then I would sit and read all these online forums that gave some simple starting strategies.

Here’s the kicker – none of those strategies were “free” and the ones that were, no longer made sense in our market. Like the ole “hang your flyer up in the grocery store and library.” But you still had to pay to have flyers created right? (By the way, that strategy doesn’t work anyway).

As I struggled to get started and get my first few clients, I realized VERY QUICKLY that I DID need money to get started.

I needed things like:

  • Insurance
  • Business Cards
  • Flyers
  • Memberships to Local Networking Groups

I needed to SHOW UP in my community!

This week I want to help clear the air of some frustrations that you may be having!!

Answering the question: Where should you spend your cash when you have a startup budget?

Most people who start out in the concierge business have relatively no idea how to market a concierge business. Marketing is the KEY skill you’ll want to learn. It IS the key to your success. But in order to market your business successfully, you have to have an idea of where to spend your marketing dollars AND your personal time and energy.

I’ll never forget the time I had a conversation with someone who had been in the industry for less than 2-years.

As we talked, she shared with me that she really, really, really wanted to come to a Live Event I was hosting – but “she couldn’t.” 

When I asked WHY she wanted to come so much, she responded “because I know it’s something I need, I know I will learn a lot, and I KNOW it will help me move my business forward.”

I was like GREAT – then if you KNOW this is the ANSWER to your struggles, why aren’t you joining us?

Her response “I just spent all my money on marketing my business in a local paper.”  
? “ughhh”
My heart kinda broke… 
The reality is that a one-time shot in the local paper VERY RARELY EVER turns into a long-term client. The statistics don’t lie…

What often happens when you have an ad in a local paper is:

Your phone and email will BLOW UP!!

With people who want to know if you’re hiring! NOT from people who want to hire you.

Now – don’t get me wrong – THERE have been times where I have coached someone to test the market with a local advertising campaign – but ONLY after these people already started developing a name for themselves locally.

But, since I don’t like to gamble, I don’t really love those odds! And I always would rather you send your $$ where it has a greater ROI.

So. The woman who spent all her marketing dollars in a local paper and got zero results… she could have stretched those marketing dollars.

Here’s the thing all marketing that you invest in MUST be done on a consistent basis.

So, this concierge I spoke with “spent all her money” on a one-time shot at success, instead of investing her money in long-term growth.

Today, I will tell you 3-ways to use your marketing dollars that are proven to have ROI (return on investment):
1. Invest in Networking
I know you’re likely tired of hearing me talk about networking, but being out and visible and amongst people is THE #1 way to get clients- all day – every day!
Invest in networking opportunities, going to live meetings, after-work cocktail events, and nonprofit events just to name a few.
Here’s a true story of a woman I met at a networking event…
The woman does social media for small businesses, she was at a business boot camp I was presenting at. I asked her how her business was going.

Her response “nobody wants to pay for my services.”

I asked where she was networking. She mentioned she does most stuff online and goes to a few meetups.

I asked if she considered joining her Chamber or a local group that meets on a weekly basis.

Her response “I can’t afford it.”

So, in essence, she wasn’t willing to invest in herself or her business.

I asked, “Not $25 for an after-work networking event, or $300 a year to join the chamber?” Again, she insisted she can’t.

So, I frankly said to her “well, perhaps you can consider this? People who PAY to INVEST in their business growth ie: networking are MORE willing to INVEST in services and products that will help them grow their businesses. Perhaps that is a BETTER target for your social media services instead of going to 1- or 2-free events a month?”

She stood there baffled… 
Always put your money where the clients are.

2. Invest in getting to KNOW people!

Here’s where most people slack off. Once they do the networking. They go out and mistakenly think they’re going to do business right then and there.  MOST business doesn’t happen AT the networking event; it happens AFTER the networking.

​​Whether the people you network with become your client eventually or not, THOSE connections know a LOT of people. If you were to imagine that each person on the planet knows 100-people. If you were to network and get to know 10-people a month, you are now ACTIVELY marketing to 1000 people a month! (MIND BLOWING yes??)!

​​But! If you aren’t investing in the follow up you will NOT have the same success.

​​Always put your money into getting to know people more.

3.    Invest in yourself

Why is investing in yourself so important? Besides being the person, you have to spend the most time with, you are also the best example of seeing an immediate return on investment.

Unlike other investments out there, investing in yourself is never a risk, because it always pays off. Even the seemingly “bad” investments (like going to that networking event and not liking the people at it ) are good ones because you learned something that you didn’t know before,  and you pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone.

Any push beyond the comfort zone gives you a NEW experience that you will always gain knowledge from.

My Top 2 Ways to Invest in myself are:

Invest in education and shortcuts. Your education doesn’t have to stop at college. Not only does learning a new skill help keep your mind fresh and relevant, but it makes YOU more valuable. Once a seed of knowledge is planted, you can never unlearn it.

Take advantage of professional development opportunities or take a class to strengthen your abilities to grow yourself OR your business.

As Tony Robins’ says,” The Key to Success – model the Best”

“Whatever you want in life, someone has already discovered how to get it — and you want to figure out what they are doing right. Someone can likely save you time and pain with the knowledge they’ve gained in their own experiences.”

One way YOU can invest in YOURSELF this year is by joining us at Spark Live.

In 3-days you’ll learn what took me almost a decade to figure out. Imagine what you could achieve with my over 10 years of knowledge?

The event will be held virtually, October 21st to 23rd. Commit to coming now. Get your ticket, Take the time off work. Plan for someone to help you look after the kiddos … commit to YOUR growth!

​Invest in your Health.

Usually, exercise and proper eating are the first things to go when other priorities pop up. But investing in your health is the best way to ensure your other investments in life (like taking care of your family and being productive at work) keep up.

Investing in your health can be as simple as having a healthy breakfast each morning or adding a green smoothie to your day! It could mean taking walks after dinner or being sure you take advantage of that “other” investment, the gym membership!

Do something daily to invest in your health and you’ll be setting your “FUTURE self” up for greater success!

Always Invest in yourself.

Now that you have a better idea of where to spend your money to market your business… Go out there and change some lives!!


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a multi 6 figure business, went from a team of 1 (me) to 8 employees in under 5-years, and won multiple awards, my passion is helping others create the same success for themselves! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that work for concierge, caretakers, assistants, organizers, and other “helper” businesses.

Want to know the easiest ways you can start getting clients?

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business!

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