So today I want to help you FLIP THE SWITCH on something you’re doing, and yet you likely aren’t even aware of it … and doing this thing that you keep doing is HOLDING YOU BACK, my friend! Stay with me, and let me explain.
A few years ago, I was working with a business coach. She was really fabulous and awesome! One of the things however that she did NOT get were the nuisances that come with building a truly “service” (helper profession) based business. She kicked arse in teaching about coaching, but I often felt like she didn’t exactly “get me” – but I stayed and worked with her for years.
I loved learning. I yearned for NEW information. My brain LOVES to sponge up some new info. Anything that talks about building a business or money mindset or personal development- I LEGIT gobble up. Everything except the tech stuff – ewwww!!
But here’s the thing, I wasn’t getting the same results as some of the other “students” in her program. I was improving, YES! But I definitely wasn’t seeing the change to my bottom line as FAST as others.
So instead of blaming it on HER or the PROGRAM, I decided to do some soul searching – WHY was I not progressing as fast as my DESIRE?
And after doing a lot of self-reflection, what I realized was that I was reading, and mentally processing EVERYTHING she told me… but what I wasn’t doing, that others were – was IMPLEMENTING.
That’s when I discovered that there are 2 types of people in the world:
Here’s the thing, my friend: we are all consumers. We find ourselves caught in a world of information overload. Yes?
This information can have you spending your ENTIRE life reading books and blog posts, listening to Youtube videos, podcasts, and interviews. And let’s not even START on how much we CONSUME of social media — I see you my swiping/scrolling buddy!
What I was doing in this coaching program – was CONSUMING – over and over – looking for the NEXT “shiny thing” that would be THE ANSWER to unlock EVER-RY-THING I desired… (For real, am I the only one?)
The MISTAKE is that this constant consumption of new and better information only creates a VERY LONG LIST of things we feel we “should” do. That then leads to overwhelm which then leads to feeling STUCK because you’re not even sure now where to begin.
So you then look outside yourself for MORE information as to what you should do first…
All of this, my friend, is KILLING your business and leading YOU to burnout and business anxiety.
This pursuit of information we falsely believe will LEAD to HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.
But “overconsumption” will never add happiness and self-fulfillment to our lives.
True happiness comes from helping others — from carving out our own path. It comes from the confidence we gain by knowing that we can succeed in our dreams! Isn’t THAT the thing we’re deeply searching for?
To make a difference – an impact?
As long as you remain stuck in constant consumption, you will not have the fulfillment you desire. A consumer can never get enough. They can never be truly happy. They will always look at the world through the lens of what they can get from it, what else they can gain, instead of what they can give -how they can instead become a producer.
You see, my friend, being a Producer is what creates value in the world. When we create VALUE in the world, THAT is THE secret sauce to better INCOMES in your business, better relationships in your life, and better fulfillment.
When we provide VALUE to others it not only creates a monetary value, but it also fills your own buckets. And as someone in a “helping profession”, I KNOW that you KNOW what I mean!
Shifting to a producer mindset allows you to view the world through a new lens. This lens will keep you moving forward. And can help you stay OUT of the consumer trap.
Here’s the thing – we ALL are consumers AND producers. In order to DO NEW things, we DO need to consume. We need to learn the best way to do something, the fastest way to move forward. We need to find the shortcuts so that we can then BRING OUR VALUE out into the world and become the Producer in our world, our communities, and our lives.
How then do we learn how to ACTIVATE this producer within ourselves?
There is actually ONE simple answer! Hold on to your britches! (Haha – something my Nan used to tell us as kids.)
Action truly is the BRIDGE to take what you have consumed and use it in a way that you become a producer.
Yep – action!
It’s the foundational tool that so many people don’t do. WHY? Because it’s uncomfortable.
Taking action with no guaranteed results is NOT for everyone. BUT if you want to become successful in your business you’re gonna need to learn how to shift and just keep taking those steps, no matter what … we need to “Fail Forward.”
So, Friend, how can you start?
Most of us get stuck in the consumer mindset because we fear change and we fall into our own insecurities. We resist trying something new – or taking action because deep underneath our mindset tells us we don’t deserve to reach our goals, or that we’ll never get there anyway, so why bother? Or “it works for her, but not for me.”
At some point, you need to say “I’m gonna just do it anyway – feel the fear and do it anyway!” The BEST way to DO that is when you’re surrounded by a TRIBE that is there to hold you to your OWN goals.
That first step is hard. But it’s not as hard when you’re surrounded by LOVE (and strategy of course).
That’s why I have coaching programs and trainings for our industry because I SEE the fears and the mistakes and the overconsumption y’all do! I did it too.
And that’s why I am soooooooo excited to let you know that if you’re READY to make that shift and to know exactly what to PRODUCE in the world (that will get you closer to your goals) – Come join us when the doors open for the fall enrollment of the Ignite Your Business Training course! We start in just a few short weeks – so if you’re tired of swimming in what-ifs and are reallllly ready to make a change in your business – Come HOP on the waiting list!!
The waiting list is the exclusive way to be the FIRST to KNOW when doors open AND you’ll be the first to know what bonuses and cool stuff you’ll get by being first in LINE!
There’s no commitment to join – it’s legit a “First to Know” waiting list! All you have to do is hop here and add your name to the waiting list:
Whether you join us or not – I TRULY hope you’ve gained value from this post! If you did – hit reply and let me know what you’ve gained.
One final thought for you, we ALL are consumers and producers at various points and times in our lives and businesses, but successful people spend most of their time on the producer side of the spectrum.
Wanting to produce more – means bridging the gap through ACTION.
Here’s the link to be on the exclusive waiting list and the FIRST to KNOW!