Learn These Lessons to Grow Your Business

grow a business

Some of the greatest things I have done that have had the BIGGEST impact to grow my concierge business over these past (almost 9) years, are:

✔️ Learned how to effectively plan/ prepare for, and track my yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals 
✔️ Learned how to successfully implement a mandatory weekly meeting ( with myself and my team) 
✔️ Looked at how to be the visionary for my company  
✔️ Evaluated how I’m spending my time and if these are tasks that are bringing me closer to my goals or farther away 
✔️ Learn how to increase sales across the board 
✔️ Learn how to increase our client care hours ( aka Billable hours ) 
✔️ How to improve the ROI from networking 
✔️ How to systematically follow up after networking 
✔️ How to reach out and call prospects systematically to increase sales ( and $$ ) 
✔️ How to systematically ask for AND receive testimonials from raving fans 
✔️ How to get found online WITHOUT paying for ads 
✔️ How to sell more packages 
✔️ How to systematically build your business to be a referral generating machine ( I loooove referrals  because they are easier to work with and often spend more money ) 
✔️ How to systematize our marketing so we’re not throwing spaghetti at the walls ( you totally know what I mean right?)


And most importantly…

✔️ How to keep my mindset elevated when things aren’t going so hot ?


So, friend,  if you are in a phase of business where you need more clients, need more consistent income, or feel like you’ve “tried everything”… These are hands down our GOLD standards for what works in this industry! Plus, yes there are lots more – but these are the ones I would focus MOST on!

Or perhaps you’ve been rockin and rolling and know there is a NEXT level waiting for you right around the corner, consider implementing some of the above strategies in your business!

But hey, if you want someone to hold your hand, be by your side and help you along the way – and give you the EXACT strategies and step by step so you don’t waste months or even years trying to figure it out (when you totally don’t have to, to create impact) then be sure to check out the Ignite Your Business Program.


Marketing Tool Kit/start a concierge business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/How to grow a Concierge Business/www.theconcieregeacademy.comWelcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!

For a LIMITED time – GAIN access to this BRAND New Marketing Tool Kit!

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