As you may know by now – the BIG reason behind my mission with the Concierge Academy is to help PREVENT others from making the SAME awful (and very costly) mistakes I made when I started building and marketing my concierge business! I began this LOVE project so I could work with passion-driven individuals who want to build a successful and profitable (very important clarification there!) concierge business.
I love to work with other business owners – to give them the customized strategies they need and then help hold their hand along the process until they reach their goals (OK – and sometimes I push them from behind just a little too. ?)
So, today friend, I want to identify a very important CORE marketing misstep (or really business mistake) many, many, many business owners make.
Now before you read on about it, I want to let you in on something… Getting CLEAR on how to avoid this mistake is something that we dive into – LIVE and IN PERSON – at CA Live! The positive energy experience of being in that room together is off the charts!
If you have ever thought, even just a little, about coming to CA Live, you are going to want to take a moment and get on our Waiting List, right here.
When you join the waitlist for CA LIVE 2020, you’ll be the first to know about all of the details and BONUS yummies, too!
The Big Mistake to Avoid When Marketing Your Concierge Business
The fastest path to growth happens when you STOP TRYING to be ALL THINGS to ALL people!
Not “everyone” is an ideal client!
I know this is likely something you’ve heard in many marketing books and online resources, but it is a FACT that when you do NOT know who your ideal client is, you ultimately waste a lot of emotional energy, time, and financial resources.
That’s why an Ideal Client Avatar is at the source of ALL good marketing! That’s also why in the Concierge Academy, one of the first assignments is creating the ideal client profile in detail.
But it’s ok – we’ve all been there! Many of us started in business without a truly clear understanding of WHO we serve as clients. And many people WILL take on clients that are NOT ideal. And sadly it’s usually because they want to make the sale.
Again – we have ALL done this!! I have done this! So you are NOT alone!
Here’s the thing… In the beginning, it’s quite hard to know WHO your ideal client is because you don’t have much experience yet, and you haven’t put enough thought into it.
It’s also hard when you haven’t actually worked WITH an ideal client!
So today I want to help you get clearer on who your ideal client is!
Quite frankly, without this, you’re gonna keep spinning your wheels and getting frustrated with your results.
When you get frustrated with your results, you lose confidence, and when you lose confidence, you stop marketing your concierge business… And that, friend, is what can make or break a business!
So what exactly is an ideal client?
An ideal client is someone you LOOOOVE working with! Maybe they are female, maybe they are male, married, have a family, dog lovers, cat enthusiasts, seniors, perhaps they are acclaimed athletes or C-level executives!! You name it!
An ideal client is also willing AND able to pay for your services.
The reality is, to keep your business open you MUST charge and willingly accept payment for your services!
Otherwise, you should become a non-profit!
True Fact!!
Before I knew how to consistently bring new clients into my business, I used to say… “No one is willing to pay me, I should just give my services away for free and become a non-profit!” (Have you ever felt like that?)
Luckily, I DID figure out a process that works to attract my ideal clients!! Just last week we started working with 4 NEW clients in a matter of days!
An ideal client is also someone who needs the services you actually LIKE doing!! Not services that make you sweat!
In the beginning, I said yes to pretty much everything! As long as it was legal, of course!
My first few gigs: I created a resume for someone, I worked on a PowerPoint presentation, and worked on thousands (yes thousands) of database files.
Truth is, I actually paid my neighbor to do the PowerPoint because I had no clue what I was doing and she was brilliant at it! But she also had a job and a family so THAT would never be a good long term solution!
There are many other factors that go into truly identifying that ideal client avatar, but I don’t want to completely overwhelm you today.
If you come to CA Live – we’ll do a LOT more of this TOGETHER! Being in that room together as a tribe, watching the personal and group transformations?
Well, I have to say it’s just amazing!
If you want to be the first to know about the secret opening launch for CA Live 2020, you WANT to be on our waiting list. Go now!
You won’t want to miss out on the amazing bonuses and goodies we have planned for this year’s attendees!
The sky really is the limit, but it has to start with YOU, who YOU want to work with, and matching YOUR unique skill set to meet their needs.
Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry! For a LIMITED time – GAIN access to this BRAND New Marketing Tool Kit!Learn how to successfully market your Concierge Business and gain LOCAL exposure in your OWN back yard! All while on a shoestring budget!