I am so excited to be back with you this week!! This is my first “official” week back to work since my 3-week European Extravaganza! I had such an amazing time! I had the opportunity to take time to play, to wonder, to discover and most importantly to tap into me. I would love to ask you when the last time was that you tapped into yourself and your mindset?
And if you don’t mind, this week I want to share with you something very profound and deep.
And what I’m going to share doesn’t really have anything to do with business, yet it really is the basis for ALL business success.
Imagine for a moment completely shutting off all your responsibilities for a few days. It gave me the opportunity to be truly alone and quiet within my own mind. And through this quietude, self-reflection, and self-discovery, I went deep into my own soul – to pray for guidance.
After a few days of this quiet, I began to feel at the deepest level, a sense of peace. The kind of “peace” that makes every moment and breath in your life – at ease. It was a feeling of letting everything else in the world go and focusing solely on myself.
The entire world seemed to look different to me. The trees were greener than ever before. The rain was there to wash away fears and hurts of the past. My walks were peaceful and unrushed.
And after years of doing personal development and mindset success training, I had an epiphany.
I decided it was time to love myself. It’s the kind of love we give to others, you know that unconditional love. WE give that love to others, yet we judge and harm ourselves with our own words. Why do we do that to ourselves??
What I learned about myself while I was away is that I truly and deeply love myself; the good, the bad, the wild, the love, the light and the little girl inside. All of me. All that is here today and all that will take years to be awoken.
I know that may sound wonky, but up until a few weeks ago and despite my success over the years, there was still this missing piece inside myself. It was the missing piece of TRUE self-love.
I know this week’s post isn’t what you’re used to from me, but it was such a powerful mindset lesson… and I’m sure I’m not the only woman (or man) in the world that has longed to feel accepted, loved, and worthy.
And I know for me, one of my purposes in life is to help others SEE the magnificence and worth inside of themselves. I just happen to do it through the work we do for our clients, and the coaching I get to do with my students.
You see – if you do not believe in yourself you’ll never be open to receive all the support you need and deserve in life. And if you do not love yourself truly and deeply, you will continue to make decisions in your life in a mindset based on what you think others need or want or expect of you – NOT what you truly want and desire.
I’m not blaming you – that was my LIFE too. Even in small ways…
I want to share some small ways self-worth or (lack of) often shows up in our lives and see if any of this resonates with you –
- Someone calls and asks you about the services you offer, and you immediately freeze and offer a “discount” to get the business.
- You’re asked to come volunteer your time at an event in order to “gain exposure” – yet – nothing about the event sounds fun or exciting.
- You’re asked to do a speaking engagement in front of a room full of ideal clients/connections but you FREEZE because you don’t think you have anything important to say.
- You’re given an opportunity to host an event that will put you in front of a room full of ideal clients – but you don’t invest because it “costs too much”.
- You have an opportunity to start your business but those around you don’t get you.
Does any of this sound familiar??
I know for me, this newfound inner deep love for myself has opened my eyes in a way where I say YES to me more often. I say yes and expect the opportunities I want to show up in my life. I ask for what I want when I want it. I carve more time out for myself, for those long walks in nature that I cherish so much. I say YES to more things that make my SOUL Giggle!!
What will you say YES to more?? Is there an opportunity you’ve been afraid to commit to? Perhaps you just want to eat healthier?? What’s it for you?
How will you begin to love yourself more??
Here’s the kicker!! The reality is, the more you LOVE yourself and say YES to you, the brighter and happier and more vibrant you will be in the world – and when you do THIS for yourself – you open yourself to MORE – more opportunities, more business, more love, more connection…
Here’s to growing your business by loving yourself MORE.
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It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!
Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business