One of the biggest questions any business owner asks themselves when mapping out the year ahead is: “What should I be focusing my time on to market my concierge business?”
The reality is…
All your time should be focused on marketing and sales. Without either of those, you just don’t have a business.
A business can NOT thrive without sales…
So let’s look strategically at how you’ll spend your time and money to market your concierge business in the new year.
How to Market Your Concierge Business in 2020
What SHOULD you focus on?
The top 3 marketing activities that brought you clients last year!
Successful entrepreneurs are always tracking where their clients came from. Because with this information, you can strategically decide where to spend more of your time to market your concierge business… and where to spend less.
As an example…
I was working with a fellow entrepreneur and we looked at all the clients she had the past year. We looked at old clients that renewed and continued working with her. And we discussed NEW clients that she had attracted.
After spending time reviewing her notes and intake forms, she was able to identify that all of her clients came from:
Knowing and nurturing people that she met at a business event
Former classmates from college
Two from a specific networking group that was local to her
And from referrals
Now… here’s where I “went there” with her. I know her very well, I know where she should be spending her time and yet… she has focused a LOOOOT of time and energy into other marketing avenues such as social media, online summits, and list-building projects.
So, with my guidance and encouragement, she knew that her marketing plan for the next year had to incorporate more networking and Nurture Marketing™, and less online strategies.
Since networking is not one of her favorite activities, we were able to focus on events that had a less structured feeling to it and instead focused on local women’s groups, local community events, and loose-style networking groups. Since these are less “formal”, she’ll be more willing to go on a regular basis.
So as you can see, just by doing what she knew worked last year, she’ll be able to likely double her client base in the next year, JUST by putting more focused attention on the things that work than she wasn’t fully committed to.
So, your assignment this week (if you haven’t done so already), is to go back… and review all the important information you should be tracking from the previous year.
Review where all your clients came from
Review the ROI for each marketing strategy you invested time or money into
List the top 3 marketing principles that worked FOR you last year
Increase those activities by 25%
Learn from what didn’t work
Add in a new strategy this year that you haven’t tried yet
That’s your assignment this week!!
Rock on!
Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!
It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!