The Key to Getting More Clients This Year

Emma's Birthday/clients/marketing.Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/

How to Attract New Clients

This weekend the fam and I celebrated my daughter Emma’s 15th birthday! All she wanted was to have her best friend hang out and to order a bunch of Chinese food and have cartons of food all over the table! Although it was pretty low-key, we had a LOT of fun and laughs!!

As we are already halfway through February, before you know it – Summer will be here!

I actually mapped out Summer camp experiences for my kiddos already!!

Once Summer hits, we’ll be rolling into a busy Fall and Holiday season!!

If you haven’t mapped out your marketing plan for the year yet, you might want to hop to it!!

You see, without a written plan that incorporates all the necessary marketing activities that are important to YOUR business growth this year, you’ll likely NOT be as consistent as you need to be.

Without a plan and consistency of your marketing efforts, it could take YEARS for your business to grow.

Trust me! I’ve coached dozens of students through their own plateaus! And the thing that always points back to THEIR growth is being consistent in their marketing (even when things “look” like they’re not working).

Or perhaps you’ve experienced some momentum – then you back OFF on your marketing – then find yourself in the cycle of feast or famine.

I’m sure you know that customers have expectations for your business, and you work hard to fulfill those expectations on a daily basis.

And just like consistency allows you to stand out from your competitors, it will also be critical when it comes to planning out your marketing efforts for the entire YEAR! Yes, I said year!!

You’ve heard the phrase ‘consistency is key’ before, right? But it’s the “key” to what? In a nutshell, consistency is the magic key to everything, especially when it comes to building a successful business that brings in CONSISTENT income!!

What I’ve found after years of coaching other concierges to build profitable businesses that impact lives is that most concierge business owners don’t truly know HOW to market their businesses. And the efforts they throw at the wall are never consistent. This, in turn, delays their results, creates DOUBT in their minds and hours/months/years of wasted energy being put into a business that never TRULLY makes any money.

I do NOT want that for you!

I have watched over the last several years, many come and go in this industry because they never quite figured it out.

They thought it would be easier than it is.

Many new concierges (and even some who’ve been in business for a decade) start, with lots of passion, but then flake out and get upset when they aren’t attracting enough clients.

That ONE question I always hear is, “how do I get more clients”?

If you ONLY hear me say ONE thing, hear me say this. ☺

Your marketing efforts can NOT be like your new fad diet or your attempt at going to the gym daily. You need to be consistent in the quality, quantity, and message of ALL your marketing messages.


You are SELLING a high-level service! Your marketing should actually reflect that. Does your marketing represent you as a high-end brand? It should!! Your physical representation of your business, your headshot, even your website should READ “I am honest, I have integrity, I’m skilled at what I do and I’m qualified to be in your home or business!”


Consistent marketing is NOT a “nice to have”! Especially in THIS business! For people to understand TRULLY what you do and how to use your services, you need to always be marketing. Redefining WHO you are and WHAT you provide. If you aren’t consistent in this area, it will take you 2-3x as long to build a SOLID client base.


Your message should be presented to your audience in ways that open their understanding and curiosity! You can be creative in how you portray your message, but remember, the concepts need to stay the same as to not confuse people. (Don’t be that concierge that provides concierge services – and sells 31 products – and sometimes does social media for people, unless this is something you’re both qualified to do and is part of your CORE offerings). Learn to be clear in your MESSAGING! Who do you work with? Why do you do what you do? What are the services you provide?

This week I want you to ask yourself: can YOU improve consistency in your marketing??

Take a look at what you’re doing NOW and ask yourself:

  • How often am I marketing?
  • What marketing strategies am I using? One? Two? None?
  • Is what I’m doing actually working?
  • If I’m completely honest with myself… Am I throwing my whole self into the GROWTH of my business?
  • Have I been consistent with my marketing message?
  • Do I have a plan in place or am I throwing spaghetti at the walls?

If you’re NOT happy with those answers… it’s TIME to make a shift! Take yourself AND your business, and therefore your marketing, seriously!

If you really want to change the trajectory of your business this year and NOT let your success happen by “chance”, come join us at The Concierge Academy Live (it’s our signature 2-day live event where concierges from all over will come together in unity to learn directly from me the EXACT marketing strategies I have used to successfully grow my business!)

But the cool thing about this event is you not ONLY get complete clarity on how to market your business (and what things to STOP doing), you also learn from others in this Industry who are JUST LIKE YOU!

It’s like a think tank of Concierges who are in this business just like you, to do the things that they are passionate about!

Tickets are available for only $347 for Both days! CLICK that LINK to register RIGHT AWAY!

(The cost of our tickets is GOING UP in just 2 weeks so don’t miss out on the early-bird rate).

Plus, lunch is included!

And we’re opening up the event this year on Tuesday night for a fun little Meet-n-Greet where you can CONNECT with YOUR TRIBE!

But this event is ONLY for people who want to:

1) Do THE work,

2) Want to get more clients

3) Are looking for a “community” of people to connect with in THIS industry…

Want to register? But have questions? Send us an email and we’ll get back to you right away!

Once you register for the event, you’ll get immediate access to the hotel information. ☺ AND you’ll get access to our Private Facebook group so you can begin to create relationships with others in the industry just like you!

Click here for more details: I’m READY TO JOIN CALIVE Kelly!

P.S. I’ve heard many people claim they want to BE HERE but “can’t afford it”. I hate to call you out – but that’s a limiting belief in yourself! I ask you to face that fear – call it out – and find out what the underlying cause of that fear truly is? Whether you join us for this ONCE a YEAR event or not – THAT is a Limiting belief – and the only way to grow – is to FACE it! XO

Here’s your link again to register – (don’t wait) – the price goes up in 2 weeks!


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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