I hope you’re ready to enjoy another amazing interview! This week you’re going to meet Ashlee.
She jokes all the time that I am her “celebrity crush” – but deep down inside – she’s mine. ?
She has a smile that lights a room. Energy that sparks the world. And a warmth about her – you JUST want to be her bestest friend ever.
Ashlee has been in business for quite some time. Her first year she made $1200 and she will PROUDLY tell you that! She shares it because she realizes all the people out there that have an expectation of 50K in their first year.
And even though her first year she did $1200 (yes, that’s twelve hundred) she has 10X’d her business since all those years ago.
BUT what you may not know is that a few years back, she navigated a tragedy in her family. One that took her down a path that put her entire business on the back burner.
In today’s raw interview she’ll even tell you how she almost closed her doors.
But the beauty of her story is that she stopped when she needed to. She put everything on hold while she grieved and did everything, she could, to hold herself together.
And then… When she was ready… she began again…
I can NOT wait to see her face in person next month at CALive! I want to hug her and squeeze her.
This Ashlee’s 3rd year coming to CALive!
In our interview today, she’ll share her story about how she came home from her first CALive event, and THAT’s when everything in her business truly “exploded” in a good way! Her team TRIPLED, even!
And just 2 years later… her world began to crash around her.
This is her story…
Her story of inspiration.
And of resilience…