Now that we’re officially in the 3rd quarter of business, this is a great time to really look at everything that is going right – and identify that which isn’t going so well in your business marketing.
This is what we would refer to as a mid-year check-up! Conducting a mid-year checkup takes time and effort, but the health of your business is worth it.
Many people look at the beginning of the new year as this exciting time to set new goals, make plans and get excited by their vision. But so many people set those goals in January and never look at them again! Have you ever done that?
It’s ok, most people who start a business don’t actually think like a business owner, and that’s why I’m here… to actually SHOW you the steps necessary to NOT just own a business – but actually own a profitable company that supports you and your lifestyle, as well as having a greater impact in the world.
So where should you begin with your mid-year checkup? These are just a few of the things we review midyear in my Personal Concierge Business:
Review your quarterly and annual business marketing goals
How are you doing? Are you on track? Not on track? Perhaps you set goals too high? Looking at it head on allows you to be aware of where you stand – so that as you begin the second half of the year – you have the time to make adjustments. This is a great time to assess what has or has not been working for you in the past 6 months. It’s not too late to achieve what you set forth this year. The point though is your efforts should all be geared towards achieving those goals!
Review your current business marketing strategies
Go back and look at the business marketing you’ve invested your time and money in the past 6 months. Have you measured and tracked all your marketing efforts and results? If not, then you’ll never really know what works and what doesn’t.
Just a few weeks ago I had a conversation with someone who wanted to join The Concierge Academy. During our conversation, we discussed how she was marketing and where she was investing her time and financial resources.
She shared with me how excited she had been to have invested in 3 local vendor shows and an upcoming sponsorship event that would have “300-500” people walking past her booth.
I asked two questions that quickly opened her eyes about her business marketing:
1. Did you gain any new clients from the first 3 vendor events you participated in?
Her response was “No – just one or 2 small requests.” (These events can, at times, cost hundreds of dollars in participation fees.)
What do you see here? 1 – she didn’t actually even know if it was 1 or 2 requests that came FROM those events. Or which event it came from AND there was no true long-term ROI because she also had nothing in place to track the attendees or connect with attendees in a meaningful, long-term way.
2. The second question I asked was this: Who are your ideal clients, who is your target?
The response was “busy professionals and C level execs”. My response – do you think your overwhelmed busy C level executives spend their Saturdays at free local “vendor events?” The answer would be – NO.
These are some of the truth and fact-finding conversations I have with people each and every week. The problem is that people often run from the work – the work that REALLY needs to happen. And instead, they invest in what they think will be a “quick fix”. A quick vendor or sponsorship event that will have 500 people walking past – BUT – if your ideal clients aren’t walking past – it’s a waste of money – and TIME!
This person decided that day that what she was focusing on was NOT moving her towards her goals. She decided that she could invest in her own knowledge and education. She could learn marketing from me and joined us for our one-year Concierge Academy program.
Why am I sharing this? Because too often people are blindly doing things that have NO true ROI.
Please make sure you put a few hours on your calendar and go back and review and track everything you’ve been doing the first half of the year! When you identify what IS working, then those are the things you should be focused on first!
Where are your challengetunities showing up?
My good friend and one of my coaches, Stacey Martino, uses that word and I kinda love it! It means that challenges are really just opportunities in disguise for you to improve and do work in an area of your life or business that needs a little love and attention right now.
We actually do this type of assessment in our concierge business each and every week!
Where are your current challenges?
For example:
Last year we had a challengetunity – it took us too long to onboard a new client. We were so busy and had so many requests coming in all at once that we were NOT getting back to people fast enough.
The challenge was we were losing potential clients and taking a week or more to get new clients started. (EEEK!) The opportunity was to create a new system in the business that would support us when we had a large influx of new clients all at once.
Another challengetunity has been that we don’t have enough team to take on requests and the team was being stretched too thin. So we needed to hire a new team member.
Your Assignment This Week
Where are your current challengtunities?
Those are the things that are popping up FOR you! Because it’s through these challengtunities that you GET TO do something new, especially when marketing your business.
This week I want you to put yourself in a hot air balloon (figuratively) and rise up and above your business – about 1000 feet up. When you’re a 1000 feet up, you’re no longer “in it”.
Then I want you to look back DOWN on your business and see where you are and what really needs to change.
Let me know what you see and what your challengetunities are.
Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!
It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!
Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business