These 3 Things = Your “Ideal Client”

Ideal client, errands for seniors, personal concierge, personal assistant service, help me get organized

If you are in the process of starting a personal concierge business (or other similar service-based businesses) one of the things you’ll hear over and over again is the concept of working with your “ideal client”.

Even if you’ve been in business for years and you never quite ‘nailed this down”… I want you to listen up!

I’m going to make this super easy for you ?

Clarity in your business is the one of the MOST important things you need to home in on.

You need clarity of ideal clients, your services you want to offer and your pricing…

As you’re starting your concierge business, you’ll want to consider things like specific “demographics”.

You may want to work with primarily women, business professionals, dual income families, seniors aging in place, local corporations or maybe just men? There are dozens of niches you can choose.

But the simplest thing that is so often overlooked are the 3 Things that EVERY ideal client has!

And I want to share with you what those 3 things are!

Years ago, when I started my business, I found myself talking to soooo many people!! Most of them I swore was an “ideal client”. Because heck., anyone can use a concierge, right?


95% of the people I was talking to did NOT fit the criteria of what truly makes for a “right fit client”.

In order to truly be a right fit client (also known as an ideal client) they need to possess these 3 qualities:

  1. They need to have a problem
  2. They need to have the desire to solve that problem
  3. They need to have the money (or the willingness to find the $) to SOLVE for that problem

You see, most people “think” they are talking to a potential ideal client – but they have failed to make sure that the person they’re talking to fits All 3 of theses critical criteria…

So my friend, as you’re starting your own concierge business (or getting ready to go all in) make sure as you market and talk to prospects you have these 3 Qs in the back of your mind ?

While you’re here – Hop on over to Concierge Connections where I’ll be hosting 2 free trainings throughout November and December where I’ll help walk you through some of the easiest ways to INCREASE your cash flow and impact as we bring 2020 to a close!


OH!!! Crap! I almost forgot!!! SET Your Calendar for next week!! I have a HUUUGE announcement!! For those of you that need help with getting more clients and marketing – I have a VERY Special Announcement I’ll be making next Wednesday Nov. 25th (and the first people to know will be my Concierge Connections Group – so be sure you’re there to be the first to know XO)

You can hop over and join us here: (make sure that you answer the 3 Qs – it’s how we make sure to keep our group exclusive) JOIN HERE ( it doesn’t cost you a thing )


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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