4 Steps to Increase Sales in Your Business

kelly and hiring a team/how to increase sales in your concierge business
I’m SO excited! I’m showing you my 4 step framework to increase sales in your concierge business, and I guarantee these simple tweaks will make your sales conversions go up.
But real quick, I want to ask… What’s new and good in your world today, my friend?
That’s a question we start all our coaching sessions with in the Ignite Your Business Program!! We ALWAYS start by celebrating what we’ve accomplished and what we’re working on. It’s a great way to stay positive, motivated, and focused on the GOOD that is happening in your world, and less focused on what may not be going well.
I would LOVE to hear what’s new and good for you!! So let me know in the comments, ok!? (But finish reading this post first, lol!)

But first, I’m gonna share with you MY new and good!
We only have 20 seats left for CALive this year! I am so excited for the people who will joining us this year in April! If you haven’t gotten your seat yet – don’t wait – because we WILL SELL OUT!!  You can grab your seat here: https://theconciergeacademy.com/live/

How to Increase Sales in Your Concierge Business

First, I am going to ask you a question – do you remember your VERY first sales conversation?
How did it go?
Were you nervous? Terrified? Did you feel empowered? Excited? Did you wanna hurl?

I’m pretty sure I felt alllll of the above!! My VERY 1st sales conversation happened in person after a brief phone conversation. Her name was Jaime, and I was terrified and stoked all at the same time.
I remember arriving at her apartment, armed with my sales packet (fancy term for folder with all my necessary documents and forms, and some printed information about me and my “new” company).
I think I was lucky, because the conversation only lasted about 10 minutes and we quickly began working together. My first gig? I waited at her home for the pool table company to come deliver and build the pool table in her basement, while she and her husband were both traveling for work.
My next sales conversations weren’t so easy – and I CERTAINLY was not confident!
The things is, for most people, unless you are a born salesman, sales conversations can be soooo overwhelming, scary, and uncomfortable.
But over time, with hundreds of “let’s get acquainted” sessions, it became easier and easier. I shifted from trying to sell something to really just connecting heart to heart and offering a solution to a problem!
Does the plumber ever squirm when he tells you how much it will cost to stop the leaking pipe? Nope! Does the electric company squirm about providing you a monthly bill to provide your home with electricity or heat? Oh hell no!
The KEY to taking the pressure off is actually quite simple (after you practice it a few dozen times).

Instead of “trying” to make a sale, instead be prepared to offer a SOLUTION!!

My 4 Step Process to Increase Sales in Your Concierge Business 

1) Set a time for a personal meet and greet

Once you’ve identified that this person/potential client is truly interested in the services you offer, the best thing to do is have an in-person meeting. At this meeting, you want to build rapport, connect face to face and eye to eye. This is where you get to allow your personality to shine so that you can easily connect with a potential client. People need to know that you are who you say you are.


2) Do a needs assessment

Not every client has the same needs, so it’s super important to put your listening ears on! You may want to offer A, B, and C services BUT in reality, what they need most right now could be D, E, and F services.
Do NOT try to “sell” a client – EVER! Instead listen for what their needs are and then ASK them how you can help.
What are their biggest issues and concerns that are negatively impacting their life? How can you align what you OFFER to help them with those needs? When determining wants and needs, you are listening not selling!

3) Offer the “right” service

Once you know what they truly need, what services and or packages do you offer that would BEST serve their needs? This is all about being of service to someone else and NOT just trying to make a sale for yourself. You need to always remove yourself from the equation… otherwise this process will feel icky, and no one wants to feel icky when they’re building a business.
Be sure to present your services based on what your client (or potential client) told you was important to them.

4) Allow them to choose

Allow your potential client to choose between 2 or 3 options that would align with what their desired outcomes are. Do they want more time on the weekends to be with family? Do they want more time to focus and build their own business while YOU manage all the mundane tasks getting in the way? Perhaps what they really want is an organized office that feels welcoming.
You always want to sell on value, NOT price. What is the BEST solution for meeting their needs and helping them obtain the solutions they so painfully desire?


Congratulations!! You now have a client who is ultimately thrilled to get support in their life! Celebrate them for saying “Yes!” to their own needs, and welcome them with open arms… and hugs if it feels right ?


We totally HUG all our clients!!


Rock on!


By the way – If you want to take your business and life to the next level with a room FULL of people who believe in YOUR success… Give yourself the greatest gift of stepping AWAY from your normal day-to-day world and come hang out, be inspired, learn and get your soul filled up with us in April at CALive!

No matter where you are in your business today, CALive (Concierge Academy Live) is designed to CATAPULT you to the next level in your business in just THREE days! CALive is a high-energy, fun, life-changing experience! You’ll leave with lots of new knowledge, have HUGE breakthroughs, and most importantly – make mindset shifts about what is possible for YOU! 


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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