How to scale my personal concierge business? Grow from 50k to 100k… It’s a goal a lot of you have…
Most people get to around 30K a year in their business and want to “double” within 1 year.
They think the way to double is to:
Work extra hours (sometimes 12 hrs. a day)
Work “weekend” shifts (Someone recently told me she’s working 7 days a week) 👈 THIS IS NOT Sustainable!
And – I hate to break it to you – but THIS is NOT a Business, THIS is a FT JOB)
Hire a bunch of friends to help “pick up the slack”
Set a goal to “get 10 more clients”
This is how most people try to get to 100K
This is NOT how to go from 50K to 100K
Here’s why:
What you did to get HERE.
Is NOT what will get you THERE.
When you started, your main focus was finding/attracting clients, having clients pay you, then you deliver those services.
Your schedule becomes FULL.
When this happens… You’re maxed out on time, and often on the “hamster wheel”
It begins to feel UNSUSTAINABLE.
You can’t GROW from here in a sustainable way without burning out.
The solution is easy but it’s the thing you say you “don’t have time to do”.
You need to carve out “CEO Time” and start approaching your business as a business – not a paycheck. 😲
YEP, I said it
During your CEO time you will NOT focus on “taking care of clients”
Instead, you’ll focus this time on taking care of the business.
You will take your vision. (Where you want to be in the next 3-5 years)
You will identify what needs to happen between NOW and then.
You’ll consider where your time is BEST spent in the business.
You’ll think of the systems you will put in place to make things run easier, smoother and more profitably.
You’ll get really clear on WHO you need to hire and why.
Then: You start to get to work.
Here’s how I went from 50K to 100K and then prepared to double again the next year:
- Carved out CEO Time to be used ONLY on business development
- I hired for where I was going, NOT where I was
- Hired ONLY people that could problem solve and not need my “direction or help” 10x a day (because if you’re “putting out fires all day – this isn’t sustainable either)
- Trained and onboarded my team so they felt part of the business, part of the vision and part of the mission (when you do this – there’s VERY LITTLE “hand holding” required)
- Nailed down my client onboarding, billing, team hiring and team onboarding systems
- Got clearer on the clients I would and would not take on. This meant my team knew what type of clients were a YES and which would be a NO. ( so that THEY could help me “grow the business”)
- I STOPPED working with clients 3 days a week so that my focus was on current and future growth, not doing “boots on ground” work
- Made decisions from my Vision and 3-year plan
This is the work we do inside our 100K Club Mastermind. You learn how to step out of the “technician” role of your business and start looking at your business as the “CEO” (Visionary)
You can’t get there without changing how you view yourself, your time and your business.
Doing this work is hard to do alone. Doing this work in a like-minded community is how you give yourself the GIFT of accountability, resources and the guidance of someone who’s gone before you and has created solid systems and frameworks to follow.
Inside the 100K Club we have structured CEO Time already built in. You show up. I will guide you. We work together to create the future business you want so that you can have a greater impact in your business, in your community and for yourself.
It doesn’t require MORE time of you, it just requires you to USE a little bit of your time each week in a way that creates exponential growth and quantum leaps.
If you’ve been waiting to enroll in the 100K Club, the time is NOW. We begin in January. It’s the only 100K group that will be available in 2025.
This for those of you that already have clients, have made a minimum of 20K in the last year and your ultimate vision is to grow and scale with a team.
It’s for the Concierge who loves what you do but who secretly doesn’t want to “do the work” anymore. Your vision, is YOU running the business, doing the marketing, being the CEO, while you have a dedicated team to do the work and take care of the clients as good as (or even better than) you ❤️
Join me next week for our 100K Club Open House to learn what we’ve got planned for our time together in 2025. Let us know you want to attend by registering here.
Already know you’re joining us in 100K Club? Registration and payment plan information is HERE.
Kelly “Supporting You from Concierge to CEO” Schaefer

Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a multi 6 figure business, went from a team of 1 (me) to 8 employees in under 5-years and won multiple awards, my passion is helping others create the same success for themselves! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that work for concierges, caretakers, assistants, organizers, and other “helper” businesses.
Want to know the easiest ways you can start getting clients?
Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business!