How to Handle a Negative Review

Negative Review/Starting your Concierge Business/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/

The past few weeks we’ve been working behind the scenes to prepare for CALive 2018!! It’s the only LIVE training event geared solely to empowering people in the Concierge Industry to build profitable stable businesses! This 2-day event has been intentionally created by design to give you the marketing strategies that I KNOW work. When I first started my business over 7 years ago, I found myself full of desire and passion to really make my mark in my community. To help those people who were struggling to find time in their lives to spend with people that they love the most…


Isn’t that what we ALL want?


Then how come most people in this business never make more than $20K a year??


Because they don’t know HOW to do so, consistently. They have heart and passion, but are lacking the fundamental business principles that WORK.


If you haven’t registered for CALive yet – you only have until Feb 19th to register at the EARLY Bird rate of only $295!


That’s 2 full days of training, guaranteed to teach you HOW to get more clients and grow your business this year. Plus, we even make sure to take care of you while you’re here by providing 2 days of fabulous lunches, lots of time to connect with other concierges from around the globe, and of course there’s lots of time built in for questions and answers!


So before we move onto this week’s lesson – make sure you grab your seat today OK??!! Click here for more details and to Claim YOUR seat!!


Ok, now onto this week’s topic:


How to handle a negative review! (gulp)


A good friend and peer of mine reached out to me last week and asked how to handle “negative feedback”, and I wanted to take the opportunity to share this with you.


Before we dive in though, let’s set the stage!


This guy has a very successful business and is doing multiple 6 figures a year. At the beginning of each year, he sends out a survey via 3rd party to gather information about the services his organization provides, and the overall feeling clients have about the work they provide.


When he reached out to me, his question was this:


“What do you do when you send out a survey and have a couple negative reviews? I’m trying to find the mindset to shake this off and move upward! But I’m finding myself spiraling down the drain…”


When I dove in a little deeper I found out that he had 3 minor issues that were looked at as “negative” feedback – out of 45 surveys completed.


He later explained, that he couldn’t even SEE the 42 positive surveys because all he could focus on was the 3 negative reviews…


So here’s how you can TURN that negative feedback into a positive experience:

  • First off, I want you to realize that 3 out of 45 is <1% “negative”. That in itself is pretty stellar!!
  • 2nd – Whenever we have a “negative” experience pop up, the best thing to do is to take the opportunity to open dialog with your client or previous client to see how you can make improvements. Where did the disconnect occur? Is it a system/process or person on your team that no longer fits your organization? This is usually a great opportunity to improve and up-level.
  • 3rd – There ARE people out there that can NOT be pleased. You just happened to be in the way. In this case, you’re better off stepping aside and releasing them lovingly back into the world. We haven’t had to do it often, but we have had to “fire” clients before.


The fact is, a negative review can be positive, and you get to turn it into a positive engagement opportunity with your client.


You’ll want to:

1. Assess the situation and problem that has been identified.
2. Respond immediately but do NOT react!
3. Align with your clients if appropriate or share your point of view.
4. Take the opportunity to improve your business processes.


The next time someone shares a negative review about your services, remember that it is an OPPORTUNITY to improve…


Have you experienced a negative situation that in turn made your business better?


I would love to hear!! Share in the comments below!



Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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