This week I want to share a lesson with you – a lesson in business ownership and personal growth.
Back in 2010, when I started my business, I honestly had no flippin’ clue where I was headed. All I knew is that I wanted to use my love and talents for taking care of people and put them to good use.
Before my leap into starting my business, I was still working as an RN (Registered Nurse) in a big inner city teaching hospital. I spent months soul-searching…trying to figure out “what” was next for me. You see, the inner pull/tug and calling within my heart and soul were getting VERY strong. So strong I could not resist it anymore. And after months of mentally “thinking” about starting my own concierge business, when the time came I just kinda JUMPED!
I had no plan, no business knowledge…no experience in entrepreneurship.
Like many of you, I literally would Google “how to start a business.”
You may know my story about struggling for the first 2 years in business because I didn’t know anything really. I knew nothing about marketing and all I had were a few resources and books available to me that I devoured, yet nothing seemed to be working. That started my long journey of both professional and personal development – and quite honestly sometimes that was like living in hell – yet, I would never give it up.
You see, as you grow your business grows.
I never knew that before. No one ever explained that to me until after pouring myself into my own growth. I eventually learned that everything on the inside translates to your outside world. So, what does that really mean and how does it apply to business?
The reality is that YOU CAN HAVE a 6 figure concierge business AND you CAN have a million dollar concierge business (I’m not there yet – I would be lying if I said I was … but I’m aiming ?).
But here’s the thing, you have to change the “inside” to reflect and create change on the outside.
Very often on some of my coaching calls with my Academy students, issues that pop up about vulnerability, visibility, self-worth, internal value and deserving. And what most people do not see is the fact that these internal vehicles that are the driving force for actions are then reflected back to us from the outside world.
How does THIS negatively impact your business? Because whatever you believe and think on the inside is reflected on the outside.
If you do NOT value your time. Your clients will not value your time. They will call whenever they feel like it, demand work to be done “yesterday” and not respect your time.
If you do NOT value yourself. You’ll offer “discounts” to everyone who calls you for fear that they’ll “never pay my regular fees.”
I hope you’re following what I’m getting at …
The growth of your business comes from consistent marketing. The right marketing efforts. The right pricing. But most importantly – the right mindset! ?
If you have a $15,000 mindset, you’ll make 15K.
If you have a 75K mindset, you’ll make 75K.
Years ago I thought I could “never” get to travel. I would “never” have enough clients. I would “never” get to go on vacation completely unplugged.
But then I started working diligently – HARD on the mindset and internal blocks that were getting in my way …
And here I am today – with a NEW story. A better story. A better version of myself, because I was willing to do the work.
I’m not a mindset guru or coach, but I HAVE learned the value of doing the work and I have certainly learned enough that I can share some of my journey WITH you. I haven’t just learned these principals, but I’ve worked them and put them into place in my daily life, and continue to work on my mindset day after day.
Will you promise me that you too will uplevel?…
- YOU ARE worthy
- YOU ARE of value
- YOU ARE perfect just as you are
- YOU ARE successful
And next year – you can tell me how your new inside is changing life on the outside …
Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!
It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!
Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business