3 Simple Questions That Can Change Everything

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Business Questions with Impact

Happy November! Here in PA, the trees are showing their glorious display of fall color. The Halloween costumes have gone back in the closet and I’m planning my first family Thanksgiving at our beach house.

If you recall a couple weeks ago, my team and I had our very first “Beach Retreat.” During this time, we came together as a team to have a conversation about moving the business forward and what that looks like. With practical implementable actions that we would as a group bring back to the business.

I know when I first started having quarterly meetings with my team, I was super nervous about what to talk about, how to present the information and IF people would participate!

But over the past few years – and several meetings later – I think we truly have created a culture of conversation, sharing and collaboration. I want to share what I’ve learned with you too!!

It’s 3 simple business questions you can ask yourself (and your team if you have one) that will help improve the overall culture of your business. (And if culture is GOOD – sales are even better.) ?

1. What should you START doing?

Dig deep. What are things you’ve been putting off year after year that you KNOW if you do this “one thing” – or start this “new program/service/client retention strategy” – if you START this one thing…

  • What would you DO?
  • What would happen IF you “start” this new thing?

2. What would you STOP doing?

I know it’s not easy when you stop doing something OR you let something go in your business. It often feels like you’ve “failed” at something. But I assure you, that often times the things you would STOP doing are things that are making you little money and are robbing you of valuable time.

To give you an idea of what I mean by that…

Years ago when I was looking at ways to grow my business and revenues, I was subcontracting work to my VA for my clients. It seemed like an easy thing to do. I was lucky enough to have amazing talent. My clients needed a variety of services – some of which were NOT in my wheelhouse but were valued and needed. So, I had an arrangement with my VA, and she took care of the virtual needs of our clients that had to do with blog posts, social media, website updates and CRMs…

Now I’ll admit. This was a great partnership. We both made money and our clients got everything they needed. But eventually, for me – it was too much. And so I decided to stick with what I AM passionate about. Now, if a client needs a VA, I just pass along the referral.

You see, STOPPING something means you have more time to focus on those things that truly make you joyful inside!

3. What should you KEEP doing?

What’s something you have started this past year that has given you GREAT success? Have you joined a new business group? Did you start a new service that is your TOP selling service? Perhaps you joined an AMAZING group coaching program – with Kelly Schaefer? – and your kicking BOOTIE (hehehe!)

What have you done this year that you should consider to KEEP doing?

And then I would “one up” that – and ask how can you improve upon the “thing” you’re keeping?

You see, people are always looking for fancy answers and flashy online widgets to grow their businesses. But in reality, if you just carve out the time and think these 3 questions though on a regular basis, you would have a greater impact, more clients and a better overall life. XO


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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