Every day I walk from my mailbox straight to my recycling can…
90% of what Kim, my mail carrier brings me is “junk mail.”
Because all the people that are sending me all their advertisements haven’t quite realized they’re wasting a crap ton of $$ on me because I’m NOT a “right fit” client.
I’m NOT in the market for a Toyota, a Subaru, or a Ford.
I’m NOT in the market for outdoor furniture.
And the man who keeps leaving brochures at my front door to buy “new windows” has NO idea how to market!! Hey … buddy … this is a 6-Year-old home – I am NOT in the market for new windows …
This is the difference between knowing who your right-fit clients are and NOT!
Marketing to a wrong fit client is what MOST people do… because they just throw a bunch of $$ into Ads “hoping” to catch a sale…
Marketing needs to become how you communicate your ability to help others. But not “everyone” is or should be your client.
Here’s how to be SURE you are marketing to people who are a “Right Fit.”
1) These people need to HAVE a Problem.
2) That they have the DESIRE to solve.
3) And the $$ to pay to solve it.
Like the scenario above.
I DO have the money to buy new windows. BUT I don’t have a problem because I don’t need new windows.
Makes sense, right??
When I first started my business, I did NOT realize this concept. I thought “everyone” could use more time. ‘Everyone” could use a concierge. And so – I proceeded to throw my marketing out everywhere – talking to ALL the people who I, “thought” could use my services – but I was talking to all the wrong people.
It’s marketing 101 and something none of the marketing books out there explained to me…
As soon as you STOP thinking “everyone” is a potential client and start focusing on who your “right fit clients” are … THAT is when “selling” your services becomes easier.
Repeat after me:
A “right fit client”
Has a problem
Wants to solve it
and has the $ to invest to solve the problem ( or is willing to find the $ ).
Once you get this concept in your bones… marketing gets easier.

Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a multi 6 figure business, went from a team of 1 (me) to 8 employees in under 5-years and won multiple awards, my passion is helping others create the same success for themselves! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that work for concierges, caretakers, assistants, organizers, and other “helper” businesses.
Want to know the easiest ways you can start getting clients?
Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business!