The Best Tools for Better Business Planning

business planning chalkboard

Eeeeek!!! We only have 6 weeks left in 2019… AND only 6 weeks left to this decade!! Can someone please tell me how this happened?? I swear the older I get, the faster time flies by. As we’re wrapping up 2019, I wanted to share with you some of the things I use each year for better business planning.


This week, I’m providing you with a supply list of things you can buy, a list of other items I use as part of my planning process, a list of more “woo” things I use to plan PLUS my 10 step process to better business planning and goal setting!


What I share below is the step by step high-level process I use each year.


I’m hosting an ONLINE Goal and strategic planning event exclusively for Concierges and service-based professionals and wanted to personally invite you to come join us!


Together I’ll be sharing with you the entire process I use, plus all the many details I use to review, set goals, brainstorm opportunities and map out the Big Dreams!


Our annual Strategic Planning Day sells out every year!! It’s a LIVE ( online ) course that I teach live, with lots of prompts, worksheets and planning tools. We come together on January 2nd from 10AM – to 3PM to work together to set goals that are in alignment with where you want to be next year – we don’t pull goals out our a$$es… Then once you’ve completely mapped out your big goals for 2020, we come back again on the 7th of January to put quarter one actions into place!


You can go register right now before we sell out:


The Best Tools to Use For Better Business Planning


And as fun little gift for you, I had my team pull together a fabulous handy dandy one page PDF that has links to some of my favorite go to items. Each item has a simple clickable link that will take you right to your Amazon cart – all you have to do is add these items to your own cart – and presto – you’ll have many of the items that I use each year when I do my business planning…


What I use to plan out the year (that are on our Amazon Partner List) GRAB the FREE Checklist right here!!

  • A large wall calendar so that I can see at a glance my vacations, special school holidays, important family dates, speaking engagements, presentations, sponsorships, all my major networking events and days I carve out for business development.
  • A smaller wall calendar that I use exclusively for all important dates related to The Concierge Academy such as CALive2020, our Strategic Planning day, all our group Q+A calls, action days and other trainings I schedule.
  • Colored Markers ( I use a different color for each category )
  • A good ole fashion paper planner ( I have used dozens and settled on the Passion Planner by Michael Hyatt – choose whatever one works best with your own funky personality! )
  • Flip chart – for brain storming
  • Post its for using to map things out ( works realllly well when you’re strategically planning and brain mapping things with deadlines )
  • Pretty files for my filing cabinet
  • My Computer calendar (I use Outlook 365)


Other important items I use as part of our Year-in-Review and business planning process

  • Our Team Scorecard
  • Our QuickBooks File
  • Current year’s P+L and Last year’s P+L
  • Team evaluations and schedules
  • My Year in Review Process
  • My Strategic Planning Process ( which takes me 2 full days )


Other items I use that are more “woo” ?

  • A journal
  • A Candle
  • Sage or Palo Santo (to clear the space before I do any planning)
  • My top 3 decks of angel cards


The next thing I highly recommend, is to do your business planning and goal setting in a strategic way! What does that really mean?

  1. First off – it means to carve out the time to PLAN out your goals for the next year. To do this successfully takes more than 5 minutes at a coffee shop. The way I do planning involves reviewing my entire business – and each year I get to scrap what doesn’t serve me or the business and start anew. But most people never truly think about what they want to create and end up year after year often building something that does not inspire them.
  2. Plan your upcoming year with the end in mind. Don’t start from here and plan out – the most successful plans start at the end and work backwards.
  3. Think BIG but not so BIG that you end up creating GOAL guilt all year long. ( You know, that feeling when you set a pie in the sky goal that isn’t based on any factual numbers and then as the year goes on – you feel more and more shitty about NOT reaching it )
  4. Set goals that are important for all areas of your life not JUST your business.
  5. Revisit your BIG WHY.
  6. Reverse engineer – EVERYTHING!
  7. Create a Marketing plan that supports all your goals. ( and be prepared to pivot )
  8. Identify all the things that need to change in the New Year.
  9. Identify what needs to change in YOU this year.
  10. Share your Plans with someone who will help hold you accountable.


Year after year I’ve gotten clearer and clearer on our goals, our actions and our opportunities. And that’s why I wanted to invite you to hang out with me and 25 other concierges from around the world – the energy is created and the best way to connect with us to be part OF IT!


If you haven’t registered yet – go do that right NOW before you forget!! And then put the important dates on your calendar!


A FEW Questions we have received about the training that you may be wondering too:


Q: What’s the investment?


A: The investment is only $147 ( for a limited time ). This includes all the workbooks, templates, pre- event assignments, a 6 hr. Online workshop on January 2nd plus a follow up training on Jan 7th where we’ll focus exclusively on first quarter action steps.


Q: What if I can’t be there live?


A:  First off – we HIGHLY recommend that you commit this time to yourself. If you are too afraid to take a few hours away from your business for strategic planning and to focus on business development, you’re really getting gin your own way. BUT!! If you absolutely can’t be there LIVE – you will have access to all the materials AND the workshop recording will be sent out via email.


Q: I’m kinda new at this business thing. I’m not sure if I should sign up.


A: If you’re brand new at your business, this will be the perfect way to learn how to build a Business and a Life you love and be able to identify the actions needed to get there. Even if you’re planning to open your doors in 2020 – what better way to set thing sin motion than with a step by step plan.


Q: I’ve been in business for 10 years and I set goals each and every year- what new is there for me to learn?


A: The process I use to build and grow both my service-based business and my online business have evolved over the past 10 years. I’ve taken the best I’ve learned and have proven that it works for OUR industry. This training is THE THING that keeps me moving forward year after year. It gives me the opportunity to start anew each year with my always evolving Vision of what I want to create during my journey around the sun.


Q: Why don’t you run this training in November or December?


A: Quite simply because this time of year is our busiest. Not just for me, but for others in our industry. In order to focus clearly – we set aside time in January to get clear on all our goals then share then with our team so that everyone knows the strategic plan and where they fit in helping us get there ?


If you are ready to start 2020 with commitment and clarity and a focus on dreaming big – this is for you!


I hope to see you LIVE in January my friend!!


Until then – keep going – stay focused and enjoy the ride ?



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