How to Know What Stage of Biz You’re In

Stages of Business Growth/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/Starting a Concierge Business/

Stages of Business Growth

I hosted a FREE webinar event a few weeks ago where I shared the secrets to making more money as a service-based business owner.

This event was different than every event I’d hosted in my business but came from a realization I’d had about why business owners were struggling so much to grow their business.

My realization was simple – most business owners are doing activities based on thinking that they’re in a more advanced stage of business than they’re actually in.

Today I want to do you a favor and save you a lot of time, energy and money as you grow your business. I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to be doing based on your stage of business.

Ready? Here we go…


The Start-Up stage of business is when you’re just getting out of the gate with your business. You’re finding your niche, clarifying your ideal client, finding your own unique voice and creating a foundation for your business.

Strategies needed in THIS stage are actually quite simple but so often not mastered. In this stage of your business, you need to be thinking only about two things – how you’re going to get your name out there and how you’re going to attract clients.

But most start-up businesses are often looking for “sexier” tasks. Many even go down rabbit holes that take them further from their goals.

If you’re in the Start-Up phase, focus on getting clear about what you do, who you work with, and create a pricing model that is EASY for potential clients to say “yes” to!


The Emerging business owner is no longer brand new in business, but often still doesn’t have enough clients and are nowhere near creating enough consistent income. These business owners are often “throwing spaghetti” at walls – hoping and waiting for something to stick!

The focus at this stage is creating a repeatable consistent marketing plan – that you must STICK TO for the long haul! Stop being a “marketing dabbler” and instead focus on “mastering” one.

Learn to optimize your TIME and your resources.


The Advanced business owner is making money – often getting near or at $75K. Their desire is to multiply their income and start scaling their team and impact in the world. But what often happens at this stage is that the “doer” fails to release control – become the bottleneck in their own business. I always find it fascinating that in our line of business, we encourage others to “hire us” – yet so many concierges never HIRE their OWN support (go figure).

This business owner needs to focus on scaling the marketing that they’ve become masterful in.

And the most important thing to learn in this phase of business is that the things that got you HERE will NOT take you there.


The key in all of this is that it all comes down to knowing what stage of business you’re in and then making decisions about what you need and what you need to do based on your stage.

If you’re in Start-Up, focus on getting clients as fast as possible. If you’re Advanced – focus on growing what works by hiring the right team to help you grow what’s already proven in your business.


Want to climb the chain of business growth FASTER?

It’s one thing to decide to start a business… It’s another thing entirely to have a reliable way to keep clients coming in the door.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have a successful business until you have consistent paying clients. And what’s keeping you from those paying clients? If you’re like most of my students, it’s the lack of clarity and confidence around marketing, and fear around “selling” themselves and their services

This is why I spent YEARS perfecting and systematizing my marketing – throwing out EVERYTHING that sucked my time and money and did NOT produce clients…
And now you have the chance to learn this EXACT formula I used to take my business from $0 and a team of 1 (me) to multiple 6 figures each year in sales, a team of 8 AND such a BIGGER impact in my community AND my personal life… with the Fully Booked System.


**SIGN UP HERE and get started with the easy-to-follow proven marketing system for local businesses who are struggling to find clients in this heavily digitalized and online world.


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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