2 Simple Ways to Keep in Touch After Networking

networking/keep in touch/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/www.theconcieregeacademy.com

What’s new and good in your world??

This past weekend we got to go see my boy at college!! It was family weekend at Loyola and parents and siblings from all over the country descended down upon the college campus to scoop up our baby boys and girls – to bring snacks, missed clothing items but more importantly to fill up on hugs!!

Those hugs will have to hold us now until Thanksgiving break.

I have to say, that I’m still adjusting to this new life. As a mom of 4, we have always had busy lives. From one child to the next – through growth spurts and teen angst … But for the first time in 18 years, I’m back to only 2 babies at home.

During this time, I’ve also been putting a lot of time back into my marriage, our long term goals and preparing my businesses for the holidays right around the corner… So as you can see – a LOT of change on the horizon…

But one of the things that never changes is our need to be in the forefront of the minds of clients and referral sources!

When I work with students in my coaching programs, one of the biggest struggles they have is learning how to successfully “keep in touch” after networking. So today I’m taking some of the mystery out of it for you and showing you 2 REALLY easy ways to keep in touch!

So, what happens after an event, chamber meeting or networking event? You’re successfully armed with all those juicy business cards you’ve collected – now what?

The first thing you really need to do is ask yourself …

Is this person a potential client (as in they have already expressed interest in hiring you) OR more often – they may be a great referral source?

Here’s the exact email I send after meeting someone new (IF we have synergy!!)

Hey there …

It was so great getting to meet you at the ABC event yesterday/ last night/ the other day.
My name is Kelly and I’m the owner of Task Complete, the personal concierge company. I loved our conversation the other day/night about ….

If it’s at all possible, I would love to get to get together for a cup of coffee and talk about how we may be able to work together.

I’m available next week on ____ and _____ if we can get together.

(SIDE NOTE – I no longer, at this stage of my business, meet outside for coffee unless I know there are business opportunities. Instead, I do a “virtual coffee.” BUT – in the beginning, when I was trying to hit my 1st 100K in sales, I always made myself available. As your business grows, your time becomes more valuable and the strategies you use to grow change a bit. That’s a conversation for another day).

Now IF you have an email list, monthly newsletter, etc., THIS is the opportunity to ask them if it’s ok to add them to your list?? If you add someone without their permission, you can be flagged for spam.

Here’s what I say …

Hey …..

It was so great meeting you the other day/night at the ABC event. I would love to stay in touch! I also send out a newsletter twice a month full of time saving tips and resources, plus it’s a great way to learn more about what we at Task Complete do. If you want, I can send that to you??

Now, on the other hand – if you connect with someone and there’s no immediate synergy, all is not lost! As you continue to network, you’ll see these people out and about again, and you can continue to nurture that relationship.

In this case –

We send a follow up email that looks like this:

Hey … My name is Kelly, and I’m the owner of Task Complete, Bucks County’s #1 concierge service, we met the other day at the XYZevent. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed our conversation–and it sounds like you’re really doing well and staying busy.
If I can help you out in any way, please let me know.

Oh, by the way… (This is where I will offer to send them my newsletter).

Now that you have these 2 simple scripts, how will you be sure to improve your post networking follow up?

We actually have a 6 to 10 step follow up process in place after each networking event. Now, I’m not gonna lie and say that I’m good at this 100% of the time! But we have the systems in place to make it easier – and this is how I took my business from a team of one (me) to a multi 6 figure concierge business.

The reality is that marketing can be easy – it’s just knowing how to do it the right way – and doing so consistently over time. If you feel that you need help with how to market your business the right way, and to do it consistently, just let us know by emailing us at support@theconciergeacademy.com.

We’ve got opportunities and programs that can help.


Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy, I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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