Building a business from scratch is NOT easy. Often times we start out with just ideas but don’t create a proper plan to be successful. With no plan, we sit and spin our wheels day after day trying to “figure things out”,
all the while losing confidence in yourself.

I know you do and you have come to the right place. The goal of The Concierge Academy is to support YOU through a proven, strategic process so you can create a business and life by your own design. Each person is blessed with their own unique gifts in the world and people need you, but without clear direction, the right connections, the right pricing, and consistent marketing they will never find you.

How do I know?? Because it’s exactly what happened to me. And to be honest I almost closed my doors (more than once).

We don’t lose business to competitors, we lose business to overwhelm and lack of confidence.

Today I get to live in the results of what I decided in the past to focus on. But, if I had not had someone to hold me accountable to my own dreams and desires and mirror confidence to me when I had none… I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Are you looking to grow and expand your current client base?

Do you hope for a bigger future but seem to be getting stuck along the way?

Do you wish you had an easy-to-follow marketing plan that got you results?

This program was created by a concierge for those building a concierge business.
It’s my job to remind you to raise the bar.

Stop living where you’re “comfortable” because “growth” never happens in our comfort zone.

If you’re ready to allow me to energize you with out-of-the-box creativity.



  • How to stand out and be FOUND in the marketplace
  • Easy creative and affordable ways to market your services (It’s never what you think it is)
  • Who to network with and why
  • How to utilize social media without wasting your time
  • How to price and package your services
  • How to create an effective website
  • How to stay focused and consistent with your marketing
When you enroll in the Concierge Academy 12 Month Program, you receive a high-value curriculum made up of 12 separate classes. Each module is 60-90 minutes long and complete with audio and PowerPoint downloads you can refer to whenever you need.
You’ll also receive worksheets and workbooks to help you strategize and utilize what you learn in the “real world”. Your classes are delivered bi-weekly online and you’ll be notified when each new class is ready for you!
In addition to the marketing principles and curriculum, you will have access to TWO Group coaching calls each month. In these calls, you’ll ask next steps or clarifying questions on the content you’re receiving.
You also have the opportunity to Book 3 1-1 calls with Kelly during your one year program. During these calls – you get exactly what you need. Whether you need guidance on mindset, how to follow up with a corporate proposal, or how to monopolize on a speaking engagement – you get direct 1-1 guidance to get you UNSTUCK.
If that’s not enough, you’ll even have access to a Library of Q+A Calls from prior courses. You’ll get to listen in on real questions and real implementable strategies that you can use in your own business!

What Will You Learn? The specifics

Setting Up a Solid Business Foundation

Set up your business right, from the ground up. In this module, we discuss the necessary pieces to creating a solid foundation.

You’ll learn:

  • Variations of insurance policies
  • Legally set up of the right business structure
  • Key components of creating your own advisory board

You will be able to make these important decisions with more confidence and less stress so your business can grow without worry.

Fastest Path to Cash

In the Growth Phase of your business, what you need most and quickest is clients and cash.

This module breaks down the Top 4 Marketing Platforms that have been proven over and over to attract new clients and inject cash quickly and consistently into your business so you have the capital to grow!

Ideal Client Profile and Niche Services

In this module we go deep into understanding and finding your ideal client. We’ll also discuss why marketing a niche services is more effective than the “we do everything” model.

By clearly identifying who your ideal clients are, you’ll know where to find them, (better yet, they will come TO you) and how to best market to them.

Ninja Networking 1

Just because you’re showing up at a few networking events, doesn’t mean you’ll get clients. In this 90 minute module you’ll learn EXACTLY how to go from inconsistent, unsuccessful networking that zaps you in energy and money, to Networking like a Ninja and seeing real quantifiable results. You’ll learn exactly how to stay in touch and follow up consistently.

Setting Fees and Pricing

One of the biggest struggles in any start-up or growing service-based business is creating the right pricing and packages that your clients will say yes to and increase your own profitability. In this module you’ll learn how to design packages based on the Good/Better/Best Principle so more people say yes and hire you!

Client Intake Process

You have to understand where clients comes from, how to enrich their client experience and how to say thank you.
In this module you’ll get the exact information to collect, track, and the best tips to use this information to turn a new client into a repeat client as well as attract new clients.

Lifetime Value of a Customer

80% of your revenues come from 20% of your clients.
By focusing on Customer Lifetime Value, your business will have steady, sustainable long-term growth which favors long-term revenue and profitability vs. short term success.
In this module we’ll discuss the 4 pillars (of what) to increasing your Customer Lifetime Value and how to use them immediately.

Principles of a Successful Entrepreneur

Business success requires deliberate attention and focus. In this module, we’ll discuss the habits of successful entrepreneurs and you will learn not just how a daily routine improves your overall performance, but how to create your own successful habits. We don’t get results from things we don’t implement.

Websites That Work

In this module you’ll learn the items every website needs so clients not only find you, but pick up the phone and call you.

Just because you have a website doesn’t mean clients will find you. You’ll learn how to make your website your strongest sales tool.

Ninja Networking Part Deux

Just when you thought you knew everything about networking… we take an even deeper dive! In Part Deux, you’ll go deeper into how to build lifelong relationships and referral partnerships that fill your client pipeline with the right clients, consistently. You’ll learn all the details necessary to get people to refer you… often!

Building Your Online Presence

In this module you will learn a variety of proven ways to expand your visibility beyond local networking. Learn the Top 5 online resources to grow your brand visibility and integrate social media into your marketing plan.
You will learn how to attract clients through being highly visible on various social media platforms.

Expanding Your Business: The Marketing Wheel

There are 8 separate marketing strategies that are part of the Concierge Academy Marketing Wheel ™
In this module we’ll discuss all 8 strategies and how to build one upon the other. Each of these strategies and marketing principles are based on “Nurture Marketing ™”.

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