Stop Waiting For Business Success

What are your waiting for/Starting your Concierge Business/Growing a Concierge Business/Build a Personal Concierge Business/

I shed a lot of tears last week… I know you are likely used to my more go get ‘em, upbeat, positive personality – yes??  Well, there are MANY sides to me. Sometimes I can be super powerful and confident and on some occasions, I can curl up in a ball on the floor… Last week in my private FB group, Concierge Connections, I shed QUITE a few tears and shared a powerful message about business success. The message was so powerful, there were dozens of comments and people interacting, sharing THEIR stories as well.

Since the video was soooo impactful, I decided to share it with you this week. If you’re part of my group, you may have seen it already, and perhaps this week you should watch it again.

The basis of this video is that you can NOT WAIT for business success

In the past several months, a “lesson” if you will, keeps showing up in my life. That lesson is about NOT WAITING. Not waiting to DO the things I am called to do. Not waiting to experience things I want to experience – just NOT WAITING for things to happen.

I believe “waiting” is the #1 thing that is preventing you from success AND happiness. I hope you’ll watch this video today and share with me what this message brings up for you.

I’ll apologize in advance for the tears that I shed and the sniffling, but my message was so raw and vulnerable it needed to come out that way. But through my openness and vulnerability, I HOPE I get the message across to you – STOP WAITING to be, do and have what desires are percolating within you.


After you watch the video, consider this:


If one of the things you’ve been waiting on is to register for CALive – then WAIT NO MORE! Register today to take advantage of the Early Bird pricing and to say YES! to growing the business you have always dreamed of having.


Say YES! to 2 full days of training, guaranteed to teach you HOW to get more clients and grow your business this year…


Say YES! and we will make sure to take care of you while you’re here by providing 2 days of fabulous lunches, lots of time to connect with other concierges from around the globe, and of course there’s lots of time built in for questions and answers!


If you are tired of waiting for business success, then Click here for more details and to Claim YOUR seat!!


PS: And if you’re not already part of our private Facebook community of Concierge from around the globe – be sure to pop over, because I’ll be sharing another special message today!!




Welcome readers! If this is your first time reading my blog, thank you for stopping by! As a concierge who has built a successful business, I have decided to help other budding entrepreneurs do the same! As the Founder of The Concierge Academy I write about specific topics and marketing strategies that Work for our industry!


It’s not always easy to build a service-based business. Many see it as an intangible, but you can build a profitable and flourishing concierge business!

Be sure to grab your FREE checklist right now! 111 Ways to Grow Your Concierge Business

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